Special Educational Needs

Most children‘s needs will be met throughout their school life by their teaching team and in their classrooms. At Godalming Junior School we aim to do this by offering a broad and balanced curriculum that is differentiated, resourced and delivered to meet a wide range of interests and abilities. We regularly assess children to ensure that they are reaching age related expectations and making progress. At Godalming Junior School we believe that the classroom is the best place for your child to learn, however, a few children will require additional support.


Kate Wilkinson, our school SENDCo, works closely with teachers and support staff to provide appropriate and targeted interventions for those children that require them. Interventions may be for individual children or provided in small groups. These interventions are driven by intended outcomes for each child and are evaluated for effectiveness each term.


Occasionally advice from external services is required and Mrs Wilkinson works closely with a range of agencies to access additional advice and guidance that is beyond the school’s expertise. Agency support is only engaged after discussion and consent from families.


Where, over an extended period of time and despite a high level of support, minimal progress is made, an EHC Assessment may be sought.


To Contact Kate Wilkinson please call 01483 421597 or email at info@godalming-junior.surrey.sch.uk


Please click on the links below to access further detailed information about the SEND provision at Godalming Junior School.